Setting up JRE/Limewire


After seeing various posts on Linuxhelp (by people who, for some reason, refused to use the nifty "Search" option) I've decided to write a guide on how to install Limewire/Java/JRE.

Before we start, let's see if you can skip any of these steps.

Try the following commands:
(as root!)
whereis java
locate java | grep bin

When doing the 'whereis java' command, if you see any /path/to/bin/java entries, you have java installed, you can skip to the final section of this article.

If you find a /path/to/bin/java entry when you 'locate java | grep bin', but nothing when you 'whereis java', then you must add this path to your PATH variable. Please skip to section 2.

If you can't find */bin/java, then go on to Section 1.


Section 1: Installing Java/JRE

First, grab Java JRE for linux (You'll probally want to get the executable, non-RPM file) from:

It will look something like this: jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin

Download it to your home directory, and install it as root.

su (enter pass)
cd /root
chmod +x jre*.bin

This *should* install it to a place that all users will find it, by default.
If not, you may have to install it as the user you will be installing LimeWire with.
Now retry the commands listed in the introduction, and go to the according section, depending on the output.

Section 2: Setting your PATH variable

To do this, we are first going to add the path to $PATH, then to .bash_profile

export PATH

That was painless, right? But in order to make sure that after logging out/restarting linux, that the dirctory to the java binary STAYS in PATH, we must now add those same two lines to profile.

Go into /etc/profile with your favorite editor (nano, vi, etc.), and add these two lines at the bottom of /etc/profile:

PATH=$PATH:/path/to/bin/java export PATH
Now, we'll want to add this path to root PATH variable. You do this by editing /root/.bash_profile and adding the two lines to it. Since (atleast on my system) it requires you to log out in order for it to take effect, just enter those same two lines into your BASH shell, and everything should work well.

Section 3: Installing Limewire


This part is quick, easy, and (hopefully) painless.

Download Limewire.bin (linux) from if you havn't already.

Download it to your home directory, and chmod +x LimeWire.bin

Now, enter: ./LimeWire.bin, and the installer should pop up. If you get an error along the lines of:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: No protocol specified

Then you are running it as the wrong user (You must be in a graphical enviornment like KDE or Gnome, and you have to run it as the user that is logged into your graphical enviornment).

Install it wherever you see fit. Know that you will probally need to add the path to LimeWire's binary in PATH.